Dimovies – FAQ
1 Is it legal to watch movies on Dimovies?
Absolutely, Watching is totally legal. We also do not host the movies, we link to them.
2 I can’t find my favorite movies, what can I do?
If you can’t find your favorite movies, you can try using the search bar or browse through different categories. If it’s still not available, it may not be on our platform yet.
3 How do I know the version of the movie I am watching?
The version of the movie will usually be listed in the movie’s details section, including release year, director, and cast.
4 The movie doesn’t play, it keeps loading. Why?
If the movie keeps loading, it could be due to a slow internet connection. Try refreshing the page or checking your connection.
5 How to play the movie in full screen mode?
To play the movie in full screen mode, click on the full screen icon at the bottom right corner of the video player.
6 How to turn on subtitles?
Subtitles can be turned on by clicking the subtitle icon in the video player and selecting your preferred language.
7 How do I know the quality of a movie?
The quality of the movie, such as HD, Full HD, or 4K, is usually displayed in the movie’s details section.
8 Other problems with watching?
For other problems with watching, please visit our help center or contact customer support for assistance.
9 How to contact Dimovies?
Please contact us at: contact@dimovies.com